Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Green Egg V7

Start low on the large rail system and work your way out into a pocket that allows you to pull onto some crimps and left into another rail system before topping out. 

I saw sherman do his own second ascent of this problem (the same day i sent impossible). his beta was as described - he followed rail up to the high point in the center of the overhang, then dyno'd for a blind ledge up and behind his head.

The day he was there he wanted a pic of him sending it - so carefully setup a camera uphill from the problem then set up out pads. There were three of us spotting him with one running the cam.

Sherman gets to the high point and without warning hucks huge up and out for the blind toss. His spotter was too busy watching him climb and totally missed sherman coming off and he falls straight down flat on his back - from where i was standing (by camera) it looked as though he had split his skull like a melon. I fully expected to see him dead. Instead he was totally out of breath and lying stunned on the ground. missed each rock by inches and was fine. The rested for about 5 minutes and without saying a word, got back on the sent it second try.

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